Hoboken Business: The Hoboken Mary

There's nothing better with brunch (or lunch, or dinner, or after dinner) than a good Bloody Mary, amiright? I have been on the constant pursuit for the perfect Bloody Mary recipe for years, and then in walked The Hoboken Mary. This mix has everything you need for the perfect Bloody except the alcohol and accoutrements of your dreams. No longer do you need to have 489,902 ingredients at hand.

The mix, created by Hoboken's Christine Dodd, is gluten free, low calorie, fat free, all natural, and has less sodium. Sign me up, right? It's also made from Jersey tomatoes, got a nice kick to it and comes in a reusable mason jar. Plus you honestly don't have to add a damn thing to it if you don't want to. 

Over the course of Christine's visit to the HudsonCounty60 Kitchen, she showed me how to make 3 amazing things with one simple mix. Firstly she taught me how to make a signature Jersey Bloody Mary, using Jerry's Vodka, another Jersey local business, and garnished with every NJ natives favorite meat, Pork Roll/Taylor Ham. Also garnished with some beautiful and ripe Jersey tomatoes stuffed with cream cheese.



Next we made a simple Mussels Marinara with a remoulade for dipping with 3 INGREDIENTS! All you need for this simple recipe is some fresh mussels, mayonnaise and Hoboken Mary mix. Simply add your cleaned mussels to your pot and cover with HM mix. Once the mussels have opened, they're done. For your remoulade mix add 1 tablespoon of HM mix to 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise and voila! You have created the quickest meal with 3 easy ingredients, and in about 20 minutes. If you're so inclined, your remoulade now also makes an incredible dipping sauce for shrimp cocktail, and even Popeyes Chicken.


Lastly, and this is really the piece de resistance, we made an oyster shooter. Once again 3 ingredients and E-A-S-Y. In a large shot glass add one fresh, raw oyster, cover with Vodka of choice (we used NJ's Jerry's Vodka) and a splash of HM mix. Shoot that sucker and LIVE YO LIFE. If you're feeling like starting trouble that day, substitute vodka with tequila and really start your party.

To order The Hoboken Mary, click here, OR here to find it at a location near you. Make sure to follow them on Instagram and Facebook. And don't forget to keep checking HudsonCounty60, because this week we're giving away a bottle of The Hoboken Mary mix and branded products, plus a bottle of Jerry's Vodka!